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McAllister Brewing Co. Welcomes Kate As Full-Time Manager


By Seth Montz - Febraury 1, 2022

McAllister Brewing Company (North Wales, PA) is proud to announce Kate McAllister as the full-time Taproom Manager at the Brewery. Her leadership, commitment, and expertise will bring an immediate impact to the already outstanding bar staff currently serving you!

Kate has worked full-time at Doylestown Hospital on the COVID unit since the pandemic started. She felt a calling and stepped up to serve her community in a crucial time in need. She joins the ranks of many who served as First Responders during that time and will be forever known as heroes.

"I have been a nurse for over 10 years and in healthcare for over 20 years. I can say the last 2 years working FT on a COVID unit has been something I never imagined I, or any of my fellow nurses, would ever have to experience. Combined with owning a small business, I got a 360-degree view of how it’s affected multiple demographics. I am now transitioning to a new challenge managing the Brewery I helped build full time. I couldn’t be more excited!"

As she relinquishes full-time employment with the hospital and becomes more of a per diem Registered Nurse, she increases her workload at the brewery.

Kate continues her roles as the brewery Event Coordinator and Digital Marketing Strategist in addition to becoming the full-time Taproom Manager. She will always be there to offer you that perfect drink after a long day...

Welcome and cheers, Kate!


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